Looking for part-time jobs in Dhaka? Look no further than Munshi HR Solutions, the leading HR service provider in Bangladesh. Find flexible and rewarding part-time opportunities that fit your schedule and skills. Start your job search today and take the next step towards a successful career with Munshi HR Solutions.
Well, it’s true, life is tough! The going only gets tougher with bad national economy coupled with the lack of proper job opportunities for its citizens. Whether you are searching for a part-time job, a student job, a supplementary income source to support your current salary, this article is written to assist in your part–time job search in Bangladesh.
Jobs availability is an issue which is not unique for developing nations such as Bangladesh. Developed countries such as USA & UK too have a job availability problem. But the difference is that there are not enough attractive jobs in developed nations. So, there are jobs available in those developed countries, but when someone starts their job search, they realize the lack of a suitable job with their desired salary, etc. In Bangladesh, simply put there are no jobs!
Well, don’t lose hope! While it is true that there doesn’t seem to suitable jobs for most people even in the capital city of Dhaka, part–time jobs are truly a good solution. Whether you are a student in search of pocket money, or if you need additional income to support your current salary, or if you just want to gain experience, or if you need flexible work hours due to personal commitments, part–time job search will be most beneficial. Part–time jobs may not have the salary of a full–time job, but it definitely gives you the minimum support.
Now its time to say about us-Munshi HR Solutions-HR outsourcing company in Bangladesh, we are the perfect bridge between clients' and candidates, because we place candidates according to their skills and attitude through Job Assessment Center. Send your CV to career@munshicorp.com